Italian cuisine

Conchiglie Pasta with Romesco Sauce and Tuna

Conchiglie Pasta with Romesco Sauce and Tuna
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The elegant spring summer Romesco puree is so vibrant and powerful and the smoked paprika flavor works so great with this condiment. It sticks to the warm conchiglie pasta perfectly. The taste is rich and bold and tangy and makes a wonderful accompaniment. Sitting on top is the soft white crumbly feta cheese and big chunks of tuna flakes. Ideal and perfect because history tells that this sauce was traditionally designed by the fishermen of the Catalonia region and to be eaten with fish. But frankly, it’s too wonderful not to be shared with other meats and vegetables.

PRE TIME: 1 hr
TOTAL TIME: 1 hr 40 min
  • Cook The Pasta
  • 2 qt. Boiling water
  • 1 tbsp. Coarse salt
  • 2 cup Pasta shells, or any desired pasta, short preferably.
  • Romesco
  • 2 spring Basil
  • 3 med Tomato
  • 1/4 cup Sun-dried tomato & oil
  • 1/2 Red bell pepper
  • 1/4 Yellow bell pepper
  • 1/2 stalk Celery diced
  • 1/2 Shallots
  • 3 Peeled garlic cloves
  • 1 pinch Red chili flakes
  • 2 tbsp. Vinegar, sherry or red
  • 3/4 cup Extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/4 tsp. Sea salt
  • 1/4 tsp. Fresh ground black pepper
  • For The Tuna
  • 8 oz. Can tuna
  • 8 Cherry tomatoes
  • 2 spring Thyme
  • 1/4 tsp. Pepper
  • 1/4 tsp. Sea salt
  • 1/4 cup Extra virgin olive oil
  • Garnish
  • 2 oz. Feta cheese
  • 1/8 tsp. Fresh ground black pepper
  • 1 pice Basil
  • 1 spring Thyme
  • 1 tsp. Extra virgin olive oil
Step 1
Step 1
Place a large pot of water on the stove, add 8 cups of water and start heating medium-high heat. Once the water will be boiling, we will add 3 tbsp salt and cook the pasta for about 10-12 minutes, making sure to keep it a little undercooked.
Step 2
Step 2
On a cutting board start cutting the vegetables in random cuts, small dice would be just fine. For the garlic and shallot, we will just thinly slice.
Step 3
Step 3
Place all the【Romesco】into a food processor. Process all the ingredients until you have a paste. Alternatively, you can also use a hand blender. And there you have it, a rich smooth Romesco!
Step 4
Step 4
Place tuna into a glass or stainless-steel bowl. Add all the ingredients of【For The Tuna】and mix well set aside.
Step 5
Step 5
Strain the pasta and add【Romesco】to the pot and stir mix well.
Step 6
Step 6
Plating all together and put【Garnish】to the top of the dish. Enjoy!
Final Notes
Final Notes
The Romesco sauce can be kept in the refrigerator and last for 4-5 days. Excellent with carrots, grilled potatoes, grilled peppers, eggplant, spring onion, or as a dressing for a salad or for pasta like we will use it today. ( PS: this recipe, originally, contains nuts such as almonds and hazelnuts. I choose not to include it because of the risk of allergic reactions, but if you like, you can add into the food processor about 12 of each of these nuts, after being toasted in a 275 degrees oven for about 2-3 minutes and during this toasting process don't need to add any oil.)
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