Asian cuisine

A Quick Way to Make PERFECT Egg Tarts

A Quick Way to Make PERFECT Egg Tarts
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Perfect Egg Tarts is an amazingly delicious dessert. Made with a very buttery dough that creates a crispy tart crust. Filled with a vanilla egg filling it is a refreshingly tasty snack.

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PRE TIME: 40 min
TOTAL TIME: 1 hr 15 min
  • Pie crust
  • 4.1 oz. Butter
  • 0.35 oz. Sugar
  • 2 oz. Cold water
  • 5.2 oz. Cake flour
  • 0.2 tsp. Salt
  • For the Filling
  • 2.4 oz. Egg yolk
  • 5.4 oz. Heavy cream
  • 4.4 oz. Whole milk
  • 1.8 oz. Sugar
  • 1/2 tbsp. Vanilla bean paste (or 3g vanilla extract or 1/2 of a vanilla bean)
Add cold butter, sugar, salt, and flour to the food processor. Put all the ingredients including the container in the freezer for 10 minutes to cool before operating. The amount of butter is very high compared to flour, so if you chill the ingredients and then make the dough, the chances of failing the dough are reduced and you can get the flaky texture easily.
Repeat pulsing the food processor for 3 seconds, and chop the butter into the size of rice grain. Add ice-cold water and mix using a food processor.
If you press the pulse button about ten times, it will blend thoroughly and change into a crumbly state. When the ingredients are still dry, stop mixing and transfer them to the workbench. At this time, the small grains of butter should look dry enough like couscous.
Use the scraper and hand to press the dough by applying pressure from top to bottom. If your hands are warm, wear gloves to work. The surface of the butter is a little sticky, so when you press it down, the ingredients will gradually clump.
Cut the dough in half and overlap it two or three times while lumping the dough together. It's the process to make the dough into a pie-like flaky texture.
When the dough is clumped, make a loaf and let it rest in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours.
Cut the vanilla bean in half and scrape off the seeds. Half of the vanilla pod is enough for this recipe, but I used whole vanilla bean. The more vanilla beans, the more delicious. It can also be replaced with vanilla extract or vanilla bean paste if you want.
Heat milk, cream, sugar, and vanilla beans in a pot. During this process, you need to heat the milk just until the sugar melts. Stir slowly with a spatula rather than a whisk to avoid foaming as much as possible. Add the warmed milk to the yolk side little by little, and mix them. If the milk is too hot, the yolk may be cooked, so cool slightly before mixing if it's too hot.
Filter once through a sieve to remove the lump. Wrap it tightly and let it age in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
Take out the dough that has been set overnight and roll out thinly to a thickness of 2mm. Because it is a very buttery dough, it sticks very well to the workbench and the rolling pin. Please work by sprinkling enough bread flour on the workbench, dough, and rolling pin.
At first, the dough is very hard, so tap it with a rolling pin to adjust the hardness. When the dough is soft to be able to roll it out, roll it out while changing the direction horizontally and vertically. Since the bottom side sticks well, lift it up from time to time, turn it over, and sprinkle over excess flour. Adjust the thickness evenly with two 2mm metal bars. (Optional)
Cut the dough using a circular cookie cutter of 11cm in diameter. The dough yields 6 pie crusts.
Remove the excess powder from the remaining dough and layer it to clump together. If you ignore the direction that the flaky texture is made and lump it together, the flaky texture will disappear, so be careful!
Quickly crumple the cut pie into the muffin mold when it's still cold and not sticky. Attach the side of the pie crust with the muffin mold with your fingers. Make sure that there is no space in the corner. At this time, if the pie dough is sticky, never press it with a finger. Immediately put it in the freezer for about 5 minutes and take it out to work again.
When you have finished shaping the pie crust, put it back in the freezer for about 10 minutes while preheating the oven. When the pies are cold and hard state, they will have a good texture and won't get out of their original shape. Take out the filling from the refrigerator that has been aged for a day, mix well, and pour it into the pie crust. Leave about 0.8cm on the top so that the filling does not overflow.
Bake at 374 ℉/190 ℃ for 35 minutes.
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